Diary of a pregnancy

29-year-old Londoner, pregnant for the first time, trying to record it all before I forget!

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Baby envy (in a good way)

My friend A had a baby boy, Jesse, yesterday morning. I am so happy and excited for her and her boyfriend, and at the same time a teeny bit envious that they are now holding and looking at their little baby, while I have to wait another two and a half weeks to meet mine! Like me, A was planning to give birth in a birthing unit without epidural, so I can't wait to hear how it all went for her.

After a few days of uncomfortable, non-stop Braxton Hicks, my uterus seems to have calmed down a bit and now I just tend to get a few in the evening. I'm glad because I couldn't feel Coco move as much while I was having the BH, whereas now I can feel him kicking and wiggling about more during the daytime. Still, I'm hoping that all those contractions might have helped my cervix start effacing and, who knows, maybe even dilating a tiny bit. I hope I don't have to wait too much longer for it all to start happening - I surely can't get any bigger, I'm now 11 and a half stone (over two stone on top of my previous weight) and feel like a big old lump. I feel a bit bad 'cause as I type, my lovely husband is busy with all sorts of DIY tasks that I can't really help out with. I spose I should just enjoy the uninterrupted sofa time while I can...


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