Christmas Eve
Well... I made it to maternity leave. After weeks of lugging my bump in and out of central London (with the help of my husb, who delivered me to and from the tube every morning and evening so I would have the easiest journey possible), dealing with seemingly impossible deadlines (two issues and two supplements in six weeks, against the background of a magazine being sold and possible redundancy for many of my colleagues) and generally slogging it out from one day to the next... my work is done.
Now, at 32w 4d, I can enjoy a hopefully peaceful Christmas (we've nothing planned other than a day trip to Norwich to see my mother-in-law) and look forward to not having to return to work on January 2. Not that Jan promises to be entirely quiet - there are midwife appointments, antenatal classes and breastfeeding workshops to attend.
I'm not sure the reality of me being finished with work will hit me til next week. But for now, aside from us both suffering from our traditional Xmas slight run-down-ness and coldy snoofles, I feel pretty relaxed and mightily relieved that I can concentrate on this having a baby business.
As for Coco, at our midwife appt last week he was apparently pointing downwards (though not yet engaged), as revealed by a pretty vigorous palpating by the lady standing in for our normal midwife. Hopefully he will stay pointing that way. I am apparently having Braxton Hicks contractions (I hadn't even noticed, but S pointed out that my tummy had been occasionally tightening - I'd thought that was Coco sticking his bum or head out, but apparently not). And while Coco must by now be getting a bit restricted in his/her movements, he is still bumping around plenty often enough to reassure and keep me happy. So, on this Xmas Eve, all seems to be right with the world. Fingers crossed, they will stay that way for the next seven and a half weeks til we finally get to meet our little baboid.
Blimey, that's a long post innit? Amazing what you can get done when you don't have to work...
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