Diary of a pregnancy

29-year-old Londoner, pregnant for the first time, trying to record it all before I forget!

Friday, December 01, 2006

29w 2d

Barely time or energy to post, in between the frenzy of work / eat / sleep that is my life until Christmas and the bliss of maternity leave. But have just enough time to note that:

1. My back is starting to ache, my boobs are starting to leak and I have developed a proper preggo waddle. Also I keep bumping into things 'cause I'm bigger than I realise.

2. The nesting instinct has well and truly kicked in - any form of socialising leaves me totally exhausted and all I want to do each night is snuggle with my lovely husband at home then fall into bed.

3. Thanks to a 10% discount at Mothercare, we are now the proud owners of one crib and one Bugaboo Gecko (colourway = red). And thanks to Freecycle we have a big bag of random baby toys.

4. Kiddo doesn't seem to be kicking as much during the day (he has taken to having massive star-jumping sessions at night when I'm trying to sleep, instead). But I often feel him shifting position, a transition which often has the effect of making my tummy a completely different shape.


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