Sober thoughts
It's been a week since I've had an alcoholic drink, to speak of - and that was just one glass of wine at my birthday dinner. I can't say I'm missing it yet - alcohol's one of those things I've gone off the idea of, like sweet things and breakfast. Not that I'm suffering morning sickness as such - only a vague feeling of having gone off my food, which is unusual enough for me. I must be preggers.
S, on the other hand, went out and 'wet the baby's head' last night with his boy mates. I was knackered and in bed by ten to 11 - at which time, it being the longest day of the year, it was still technically light. What with the non-drinking, healthy eating and early nights, I'd better come out of this pregnancy pretty damn healthy.
Letter arrived from the hospital today confirming my first scan - on 1 August at 9am, which is sooner than I'd expected - I'll only just be 10 weeks gone. Not that I'm complaining - I can't wait to get scanned and (hopefully) see a little heartbeat that will mean the most uncertain period of the pregnancy is over. Just six weeks away...
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